December Cometh

Oh my God, it’s December.

NaNoWriMo came and went. All told, I cranked out 72,000 words on two separate projects. It wasn’t one completed novel, but it was a boatload of writing, more than I’ve done in months.

So far, December has been taken up by revising a special project, reading (currently Jet by Russell Blake and Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds), and bouncing back and forth between freelance work. I’m enjoying both books, but one is definitely a daytime read (Jet being a fast-paced thriller) and the other is more for bedtime (Revelation Space is long, languid, fascinating…and I have the weirdest dreams after a chapter).

New music: Beasts of the Southern Wild soundtrack. Wowza. Never seen the movie, though I’m curious about it, but the score is fantastic. Great music – very different from the movie scores I’ve heard this year. I love it, but it makes me want to sit down and write something whimsical, loving, and borderline meaningful. Yikes.

Excited about this new project, but more on that later…



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